Cost of Composite Veneers

Cost Of Composite Veneers new 2024

Veneers are one of the most successful procedures to improve your smile. They are made from various materials, and choosing the best option is up to you. Still, composite veneers are the most affordable, considering the results are similar to porcelain. 

What are Composite-Resin Veneers?

If you are worried about the shape or color of your teeth, composite veneers can help you enhance the appearance of your smile. This procedure is effective in treating:

  • Discoloration
  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Size
  • Misshapen teeth

A significant difference between the composite and porcelain options is the preparation time. Porcelain veneers require more drilling and multiple dental appointments.  

Although composites are the more affordable, they do not last as long as other materials and will have to be replaced more frequently, costing you more in the long run.  

Another element to consider is that these composites tend to stain over time, causing discoloration. That will require you to have them polished more often.  

The procedure entails placing the veneers on the front of your teeth. Your specialist will then shape the material to help blend the shells with your natural teeth.  

Using a reputable dentist for this procedure is essential to ensure a natural finish. Unfortunately, many dentists do not offer this treatment, as placing and sculpting these veneers is harder than a porcelain option.

Read Also: How Much Are Porcelain Veneers?

Am I a Suitable Candidate for Composite Veneers?

Am I A Suitable Candidate For Composite Veneers 1

To qualify for composite veneers, you need to have the following:

  1. Damaged teeth: These can include several problems, such as acidic erosion, chips, and cracks.  
  2. Crooked teeth: That is not a fix for all kinds of crooked teeth. Composite veneers can only fix minor alignment issues and will depend on the amount of work required. An excellent alternative to severe alignment would be Invisalign or traditional braces.  
  3. Yellow Teeth: Many people turn to composite veneers when other whitening options have failed. It is a more expensive solution but very practical and aesthetically pleasing.  
  4. Filling in the gaps: Composite veneers are a great solution if you have narrow gaps between your front teeth. Compared to other aligning treatments, they are a more cost-effective and quicker option.  

At AstaDent Clinic Turkey, we have highly skilled Dentists in the Dental treatment field. In addition to the experienced medical crew, the clinic is equipped with advanced technologies. Click here to get an appointment for a free consultation.

The Price of Composite Veneers

The Price of Composite Veneers

The amount you will have to pay for these veneers will differ depending on your geographical location and the specialist you use. Generally, veneers price range from $250-$1,500 per tooth. Another factor will be the work that needs to be done to your teeth before the veneers are placed.  

It would be best to visit your specialist so they can examine your teeth, recommend a treatment plan, and tell you how much it will cost.  

Although the treatment is expensive, it is still the most affordable of all the options, and veneers can last for five years, sometimes ten, if you care for them properly. 

How Much Does a Full Set of Composite Veneers Cost?

A complete set of veneers usually includes a set of 8 shells. It is tough to determine the cost as it differs depending on the following:

  1. What state your natural teeth are in? Your teeth may need to be buffered or have enamel removed to prepare for the procedure. The more issues there are with your teeth, the higher the cost.
  2. Location: Different areas will have different costs. You will usually find that cities have lower prices than rural areas, as dentists must compete against each other.
  3. How many appointments do you need?: If you need multiple appointments, the cost will be higher. Generally, a complete set of composite veneers costs around $10,800 – $20,000.

While the cost of a full set of composite veneers in Turkey is around $4000 

The MaterialPrice per veneer
EMAX veneers £ 180
Metal porcelain veneers £ 90
Laminated veneers £ 180

Is The Cost of Composite Veneers Worth it?

The procedure is usually quick, easy, and cost-effective compared to other options. 

Another benefit is that the treatment is reversible, so it is mainly recommended for younger patients worried about committing to porcelain veneers. They are also easy to repair, so your dentist can mend them if you sustain any chips or cracks.  

However, certain factors, like being a heavy smoker or drinking many coffees, could affect their durability. That can stain your composite veneers, causing discoloration or uneven patches. Also, you should avoid them if you are a nail-biter, as you can chip or crack them.

Read Also: Veneers Vs. Lumineers: what is the best for me?

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

This treatment can be done in one appointment without natural teeth issues. Your dentist will prepare your teeth by buffering them to make space for the veneers.

 They are placed on the front of your teeth with an adhesive and hardened using a special light. The last step will be to polish them to ensure no rough patches.  

What are the Pros and Cons?

1. Pros

  • Cost-effective
  • They can be applied in one appointment, shortening the application process.
  • It enhances the appearance of your teeth by hiding misshapen teeth, discoloration, chips, cracks, and other defects.

2. Cons

  • It is not as tough as porcelain veneers and may chip or crack more often.
  • They do not last as long as other options and must be repaired or replaced more frequently.

Final Thoughts


The cost of composite veneers can vary depending on location and how many issues you have with your natural teeth, but it is the most cost-effective material.  

Always ensure you are seeing a reputable specialist, as there are risks associated with the procedure. Not accurately prepping your teeth can lead to frequent repairs or replacements, which will be an unnecessary additional cost.

If you smoke tobacco products or drink many dark liquids that can stain your composite veneers, this might not be the right option.  

Composite veneers are an effective solution for enhancing your smile. Boost your confidence with these little gems, and never resurface your smile. 

Contact Us Today

Lastly, if you need to know more about this procedure or have more questions about other procedures, we offer a free consultation on WhatsApp oFill out  The Form Here.

AstaDent Clinic Turkey offers high-quality, specialized, and affordable dental treatment services. Visit Our Cosmetic Dentistry Department, or go back to the Blog.

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